onsdag 10. juli 2013

Night Wish Radio Station

It's late at night, I sit and listen
to the night wish radio station.
People greeting their beloved ones,
through those careful chosen love songs.

It all seem like people want to
make the world a better place through
showing that they really care,
make crystal moments, special, rare.

It's so precious being witness
to a loving prince and princess
making greetings an occation
through the night wish radion station.

mandag 25. mars 2013


Sterkt sollys skinner gjennom de
støvete vindusrutene, på kjøkkenet der jeg sitter.
Det er påske, det er ferie. Ingenting haster.
Jeg vet ikke hva dagen vil bringe.
Sitter her bare, og lar øyeblikket synke inn.
Dette lille øyeblikket: Meg i en stol,
og med pennen i hånden.

Denne påsken er en fin tid
som er her, og som bare er nå.
En tid vi har lett for å overse,
blant snø og snop og fargede egg.
Husker vi hva som ligger bak?
En glemt skatt fra eldre tider?
Et budskap blir lett oversett om
man glemmer ettertanke.

lørdag 22. desember 2012

Do not Sleep for Long

Dreams are important to follow
Plans are important to make
But if you intend to waste them
I think you should probably wake

Your time doesn't last forever
so action is good to pursue
Though if your dreams are hazy
they are what you have to do

Sleep, sleepy sleeping beauty
Dream dreamy, dreamy dreams
But do not sleep for long
Your dreams might not turn
into a song

Your life sympolizes a flower
and do not let it go to waste
And don't let the others' dreams
turn into a 'copy and paste'

You only live once, remember
Let the actions be your spring
Or you'll forget the very song
you didn't dare to sing

Don't dream for long. Take one day at a time.
What can you do today, to contribute to the rhyme?

Sleep, sleepy sleeping beauty
Dream dreamy, dreamy dreams
But do not sleep for long
Your dreams might not turn
into a song

onsdag 28. november 2012

Colorless Rainbow

On the very outside
you look a little grey.
Like a furry kittycat
drowning in a bay.
You seem to have just no desires
and nowhere to go.
To other people you may seem a
colorless rainbow.

But on the inside, secrets hide
-a pile of precious things.
Values, creativity, a melting heart which brings
all things good to those who would
just take the risk to sow
their time and effort to observe
the colors of this
colorless rainbow.

A Whole New World of Opportunities

It's morning. -A whole brand new, fresh, cool day.
The air is so uplifting. And the fog does really make
spooky shadows when the sunrays beautifully shine
on ocean, water, river. It makes me feel so fine.

They say I'm a morning person, oh yes.
And who cannot be that when experiencing this?
I do have respect for both owls and morning larks.
But in the morning, please, all owls:
Don't turn into great sharks.

It's a whole new world of opportunities.

The Hour Glass

An hour glass is fragile,
just like the time itself.
An hour glass is physical,
you may put it on a shelf.
But time might seem abstract.
-Impossible to catch.
An hour glass is quite exact.
-To time somewhat a match.

With every tiny grain of sand
the time will slowly pass.
And like with water in my hand,
the time seems less and less.
But this perspective is just from a human mind alone.
When people some day are no more,
the time will not be gone.

A Big Blank Piece of Paper

A big blank piece of paper
right in front of you...
What are the many things
you possibly could do?
Could you write a letter,
a poem or a book?
A story of your own life,
or of worlds of trees and brooks?
The options are so endless
that you probably won't know
the outcome of what waits
the paper white as snow.
What could just come to mind?
What could you write down here?
Imagination can be kind
and also quite sincere.